Monday, February 05, 2007


Getting Ready for Windows Vista

The Oracle Database on Windows Vista Statement of Direction is now up on OTN and it provides time frames for the planned releases of Oracle Database on Vista.

EDIT (5/4/07): The 32-bit Oracle Database as well as Oracle Database XE are now certified on Windows Vista. The 32-bit Oracle Client is now packaged up in a simple single install so you don't need to patch your way from, nor will you need access to Metalink. Read my recent blog entry for more details. The text in the blog entry below was an unsupported "hack" that you won't need to use anymore. If you do decide to apply the patch instead of downloading the whole client from OTN, please follow the installation instructions in the patch release instead of the instructions below.

Prior to those release dates, many developers who support Windows clients (.NET, ODBC, OLEDB, OO4O etc) will want to get a head start and do some testing of their applications. Unfortunately, the Oracle Installer (the one on all the CDs) will not run properly on Vista. But there is a way you can get around this. It's a bit of convoluted hack, and none of this is supported officially, but it should help you get started testing.

The gist of it is: The installer that is included with the patchset DOES work on Vista and must be used to first install the Oracle Client software, and then used to upgrade to the Oracle Client. The upgrade to is required because there are a few other Vista related fixes in the patchset.

The following instructions explain how to do this:

1) Obtain client CD or zip file (from OTN)
2) Download the Oracle patchset for 32-bit Windows from Oracle MetaLink and unzip it. (
3) Change directory to the Disk1\install directory, open oraparam.ini using notepad (or any editor) and comment out the line "SOURCE=../stage/products.xml" by adding a # to the beginning of this line.
4) Run setup.exe from Disk1 directory, point to the CD location's products.xml file and proceed with install of
5) The pre-requisite check will fail. This is expected. Click in the boxes next to the errors. This will change them to say "User Verified." Then click "Next" to continue.
6) Once has been installed as above, uncomment the "SOURCE=../stage/products.xml" line in Disk1\install\oraparam.ini file in patchset
7) If you wish to test "ODP.NET for .NET 2.0 version", you will need to download and install ODAC from OTN at this point, since only "ODP.NET for .NET 1.1" is included in the patch.
8) From the directory, run Disk1\setup.exe and upgrade the install to

That's it! Er, well of course that's just the start. Now you proceed to test your application!

I can sense a veritable storm of blogging coming up in my near future, so stay tuned!

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